E.S.PKU Delegates
Read First!
The E.S.PKU is an umbrella organization. You an read more about the role of E.S.PKU in "Who we are". Each member country is represented by its delegate. This delegate is offered a variety of tools to interact with E.S.PKU. This page gives an overview how a member country can interact and contribute in E.S.PKU.
Official Meetings
Annual General Meeting: As a non profit organization we are hosting an annual general meeting every year. It's part of the E.S.PKU conference. This is the official organizational meeting of E.S.PKU including votings (eg. for the next conference location).
Spring Meeting: For delegates only there is a spring meeting every year. It's typically held in the same location as the conference later that year. It's a working meeting to work on current agenda items of E.S.PKU (like the European Guidelines).
Please get in contact with us to discuss how you can join E.S.PKU.
Delegates Newsletter
The E.S.PKU tries to pass on important information about the organizations work as well as general PKU news as soon as possible. Therefor we distribute a a e-mail newsletter. If you are not receiving it yet get in contact with us so your country delegate could be added. This newsletter will also include information about upcoming events like spring meeting.
Cooperation Platform
As frequent change of information and discussion is becoming more important the E.S.PKU is offering a platform to support this. Besides the frequent meetings there is the "Facebook Workplace" closed to E.S.PKU delegates to communicate with each other. Please get in contact with us in case you are a delegate and not yet part of this platform.