Last Update: November 22nd 2016

E.S.PKU Conference 2016
Where did it take place ?
The annual E.S.PKU Conference 2016 took place in Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport (Ireland).
When did it take place ?
The E.S.PKU conference 2016 was hosted from November 3rd until November 6th
How do I get more information ?
Information about the next conference will be published on this website as it comes available. Also we recommend you to subscribe to our conference newsletter.

Anne Green, Debbie Collyer, Laurie Bernstein, Leonie Tully, Karen Farrell, and many more …
A Look Back
Interested to learn more about the E.S.PKU Conference?
European Guidelines, Sheila Jones Story, Late Diagnosed PKU, HCU, and much more …
Program Details
For further information about the conference program, please visit our dedicated page.

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