PKUDay 2017


International PKU Day 2017 is coming up June 28th. If you have planned any activity on or around PKU Day, please let us know on so we can share the event on the official PKU Day website. You can provide us with an description, image, link and location for your event. It would be great to receive information on your plans soon so we can raise interest in sharing them early! You can download the PKU Day Logo on the PKUDay Website and use it to promote your event. Also if you have questions you can contact us at …

Social media discussion about MipSalus


Recently, a publication on about a new treatment in development for Phenylketonuria by Danish biotech company MipSalus, raised considerable discussion on social media. It was suggested that this treatment has already been approved in Europe and awaiting approval in the US. The ESPKU have contacted the CEO of MipSalus for clarification. The statement was published without approval and not accurate. For further information please visit E.S.PKU has been active to gather information on recent social media topics for you. If you have found something PKU-related that you need clarified, feel free to contact us, we will take care of …

European Guidelines for Phenylketonuria Published

gregor.hammerschmidtAnnouncements, Publications

The European Society for Phenylketonuria and Allied Disorders Treated as Phenylketonuria (E.S.PKU) is very happy to announce that the European Guidelines for Phenylketonuria have been published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Getting to this point has taken many years of preparation. First in the line was the publication of Closing Gaps in Care. This showed the great need for European Guidelines. Treatment for Phenylketonuria is very different in Europe although it’s always the same disease. After the publication of Closing Gaps in Care the delegates of the E.S.PKU published the Consensus Paper in Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. This voices the patients need …

PKU Day Website launched


We are happy to announce the launch of the new website. PKU Day is coming up June 28th. For this year we have planned some special events and hope that everybody will take part in. Spreading the word about Phenylketonuria (PKU) is important. International PKU Day gives us the chance to promote PKU and make it known better. Please help by sharing the website and social media accounts of International PKU Day. The biggest event for this year will be the “Robert Guthrie Memorial Dinner”. Read all about it on the PKUDay Website.

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European Phenylketonuria – PKU Guidelines

gregor.hammerschmidtAnnouncements, Publications

The European Guidelines for Phenylketonuria is one of the latest projects funded by E.S.PKU. The project was started after the publication of the consensus paper, written by delegates of E.S.PKU, showing the needs and wishes for guidelines. Under the lead of Professor Francjan J. van Spronsen and E.S.PKU SAC (scientific advisory committee) those independent PKU guidelines have been developed, with the help of about 20 professionals, experts in PKU, over the past three years. At the annual E.S.PKU conference 2015 in Berlin, Germany- excerpts from these guidelines were presented to the professionals as well as parents/patients. One of the main aims of the Guidelines is that they …

E.S.PKU & PKUBoard present: PKU Travel Network


In the past E.S.PKU has been approached to set up a travel network for PKU patients. In order to achieve this goal we have partnered with PKUBoard1, an online messaging board. There are two reasons why E.S.PKU has decided to work together with PKUBoard on this matter: The E.S.PKU website is an information page and does not allow member registration Besides the conference E.S.PKU does not interact with patients directly, but offers an umbrella organization to it’s members (local organizations) The travel network has been introduced at the annual E.S.PKU Conference 2015 at the patients session. Here you can get the idea in …